The A.S.D. Scopigno Cup, in reference to the 28th Scopigno Cup World Football Tournament Under 17, Manlio Scopigno memorial, scheduled from 07 to 10 April 2020 in Amatrice, Rieti and Frosinone; notwithstanding that the event based on the DCPM of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, which prohibits the conduct of any demonstration in the national territory, and as a precaution, for the possible continuation of COVID 19, has been postponed to the period from 4 to 7 September 2020 Live on RAI SPORT.
We are sorry for the displacement of the 28th Scopigno Cup 2020 because at an organizational level everything was ready and defined in detail, – says the PRESIDENT Fabrizio Formichetti – but at the same time we are aware that public health comes before everything, and we we join the appeals of the President of the Council of Ministers and the indications of the Ministry of Health, to scrupulously respect the rules of hygiene and behavior, in order to defeat the Corona virus and return to live splendid days of sport.